



9.girl reading a book is

10.lives in a house built 150 years ago

11.The picture taken by him is my treasure

12.The girl standing over is my sister

13.My sisters received a letter written in English

14.The boy sitting next to Mina is Kenji

15.I bought her a bag made in  Italy

16.Look at the boy standing in front of

17.The man walking with a dog is my father

18.I saw many pictures taken 70 years ago

19.Who is that girl watching TV in the living room

20.The man walking over there is my father

21.I read the interesting story written by Dazai Osamu

22.He is a famous player loved by many people

23.Do you know that wowan running in the park

24.I know the boy taking pictures of your brother

25.The man talking over there is


5.living この町に住んでいる医者は毎日とても忙しい

6.made 彼女はアメリカで作られたたくさんの人形を持っている

7.seen 丘の頂上から見える月はとても美しかった

8.talking 通りで女性と話している男性は私のおじです

9.spoken カナダで話されている言語は何ですか

10.playing ピアノを弾いている少年をあなたは知っていますか